Independent Center for Defence Studies ISDC

Dear readers,

The Independent Center for Defence Studies in the first half of July will hold a discussion on the "Storm in the Caucasus" book published by the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST) («Փոթորիկ Կովկասում», «Буря на Кавказе»), which declared the Second Karabakh War the prologue of the Third World War. The current Russian-Ukrainian war represents the trends that have emerged in the Fall of 2020, but in a much increased range and power, so we will discuss:
  • UAVs: the way they affected AD, "classic" aviation and the battlefield as a whole;
  • new (or well-forgotten old) action tactics of Army units;
  • what to do in a confrontation with an adversary superior in numbers, firepower and technology.

The date, time and place will be specified 10 days in advance.

Admission is free.

Those who will address the most interesting questions before July 1 will get right to participate in the discussion.
Updated 03/06/23