Dear readers,
On July 10, at 20:00, the at Mirzoyan Library (Mher Mkrtchyan, 10) we will discuss the topics raised in the "Storm in the Caucasus" – a collaborative study about the Second Karabakh War, published by the Moscow Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies (CAST). Over the past three years topics raised have made a real leap, so we will discuss:
- UAVs: the way they affected AD, "classic" aviation and the battlefield as a whole;
- new (or well-forgotten old) action tactics of Army units;
- what to do in a confrontation with an adversary superior in numbers, firepower and technology.
Discussion format: the duration of the question is no more than 20 seconds; the duration of the answer is no more than 2 minutes.
Key speakers: Tigran Hovhannisyan, Leonid Nersisyan
Aim: refined formulation of problems; enumeration of possible solutions and selection of optimal ones.
Admission is free.
The Independent Center for Defense Studies once again rminds that the electronic version of the book can be found in the public domain («Буря на Кавказе»).