Independent Center for Defence Studies ISDC

On October 16 the AGBU Hall, kindly provided by the Armenian General Benevolent Union, hosted the presentation of the Russian translation of the "Steppe Frontier of Europe. 1500-1800" – milestone work of American historian William McNeill. The book was published by the Independent Center for Defence Studies (ICDS) in cooperation with the "Bookinist" bookstore network. Professor of Sociology Georgy Derlugyan (NYUAD) moderated the event, attended by representatives of universities, as well as academicc and non-governmental organizations.

P.S. The book, which systematizes complex rhythms and multiple drivers of the historical processes of the region, is available in "Booksinist" stores. Whole profits from sales is directed to the development of "Metsn Tigran" NGO training center..

Published: 17/10/23
Updated 17/10/23