The Independent Defense Research Center is founded for the citizens of the Republic of Armenia who have a call to realize and implement their individual and collective duty to their Homeland and state.
The first Karabakh war was won by citizens. They were armed with knowledge they received from a superpower state and principles they inherited from ancestors. The second Karabakh war was impossible to win because an advanced education system was lacking along with a strong moral foundation despite all the sacrifice a minority of citizens made.
In new challenging times we find necessary to transfer the knowledge to a new generation so that they may survive personally and become victorious collectively.
We will try to show the role and meaning of the small particles in large and complex military and political constructions and to convey complicated and convoluted concepts in simple terms.
In order not to become victims of a new (un)natural selection in the New Brave World, we will keep in mind Darwin’s warning and base our confidence on knowledge, not ignorance. We are ready for dialogue and we trust in effectiveness of practical steps.