- 1.1. Mobilization and combat training of the Armed Forces
- 1.2. The Armed Forces logistic support preparation
- 1.3. Preparation of the territory of the RA as a theater of military operations
- 1.4. Strategic intelligence
- 2.1. Organization of measures to ensure the stability of the functioning of the economy
- 2.2. State policy in the field of increasing the stability of the economy functioning
1.2. The Armed Forces logistic support preparation
Even perfectly organized, trained, armed and combat-ready Armed Forces are unable to perform their tasks, if issues of logistics necessary for conducting combat operations are not resolved in advance.
To carry out operations at the initial stage of modern warfare, requires not only to prepare material means in peacetime, but also to disperse them in safe, protected storages. In the safest rear zones of the state storage facilities have to be built to store necessary stocks of material resources.
The Armed Forces material assets reserve, as a rule, consists by emergency and mobilization reserves, as well as strategic and state reserves.
Emergency reserve (ER) is a specially collected stock of food, medicines, fuel, ammunition and other vital items, stored for use in emergency situations. In peacetime it is stored in military units and its volume have to ensure the mobilization deployment (if considered) and, most importantly, to ensure the warfare conduct for a certain period of time.
The mobilization reserve (MR) has to fill the shortage of weapons and to supply troops with ammunition until industry is mobilized or the import of the necessary amount of mobilization resources is organized/regulated. The volume of the MR is directly related to the preparation of industry for mobilization (or import of mobilization resources), that is, the timing of the deployment of mobilization capacities (import of mobilization resources). Slower the industry mobilizes (the import of mobilization resources), the more voluminous the MR should be. In the complex issue of planning the MR volume and quantity, only one thing remains unchanged: no stock, no matter how large it may be, can meet all the requirements of a large-scale war.
(MR) has to fill the shortage of weapons and to supply troops with ammunition until industry is mobilized or the import of the necessary amount of mobilization resources is organized/regulated. The volume of the MR is directly related to the preparation of industry for mobilization (or import of mobilization resources), that is, the timing of the deployment of mobilization capacities (import of mobilization resources). Slower the industry mobilizes (the import of mobilization resources), the more voluminous the MR should be. In the complex issue of planning the MR volume and quantity, only one thing remains unchanged: no stock, no matter how large it may be, can meet all the requirements of a large-scale war.
On the one hand, the accumulation, storage and periodic renewal of huge reserves means large financial costs and leads to the formation of "dead capital", burdensome for the state. On the other hand, many military supply items cannot be stored for a long period; intensive development of armaments make their stocks obsolete, creating a disadvantage for a country facing an adversary with more modern weapons. Therefore, a very cautious approach to the MR accumulation is required, and its volume should be determined by the requirements of warfare at the initial stage of the war.
Strategic reserve is a stored stock of materiel or items at the disposal of governments, organizations or enterprises, which can only be used in accordance with a certain plan or in response to force-majeur events.
State reserve* is a stored stock of raw materials and items, fuel, grain and other food products, some types of machinery and equipment, necessary for uninterrupted operation of the economy, for defence needs, elimination of the consequences of natural disasters, for other needs of the state and society. It is created and systematically replenished by the state.
Strategic reserves are considered to be part of the state reserves that is at the disposal of the Supreme Command. All other reserves are state-owned.
The volume of strategic and state reserves is determined by volume required to supply armed forces until the necessary material and technical resources are either produced or imported. However, the creation of stocks in peacetime, and the troops supply from warehouses in a timely and full-scale manner in war period are two different things. In the armed forces, this task is solved by properly organization of military logistics.
In a brief definition, "military logistics is the art of managing the transfer of troops and military equipment to the place of hostilities".
The goal of military logistics is the transfer of military property to a specified place, on a certain day and time, in the required quantity, with optimal costs and, preservation of its quality.
The above mentioned is considered by the study of Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) experience:- The IDF military logistics structure.
- High-tech military logistics (Total Asset Visibility (TAV), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, etc.).
- New wayss of military logistics development.
- Outsourcing as the mean of costs reduction.
In order to establish (increase the efficiency) of the material and technical support system of the RA Armed Forces it is necessary:
- To create and to implement the joined automated control system.
- To install modern means for information exchange and electronic document management.
- To keep the material assets records on the basis of supply items’ standardization and cataloging.
- To create rational system of material assets’ storage and cataloging.
- To implement the troops supply by the territorial principle.
- To digitize and automate the processes of supplies’ transportation and account during combat operations.
- To introduce gradually the outsourcing in the Armed Forces and the troops.
Continuation: 1.3. Preparation of the country's territory as a theater of military operations
Published: 06/09/22