- 1.1. Mobilization and combat training of the Armed Forces
- 1.2. The Armed Forces logistic support preparation
- 1.3. Preparation of the territory of the RA as a theater of military operations
- 1.4. Strategic intelligence
- 2.1. Organization of measures to ensure the stability of the functioning of the economy
- 2.2. State policy in the field of increasing the stability of the economy functioning
Preparing the Armenian economy to resist an aggression is a system of measures related to the development of the military economy, its ability to operate in wartime conditions and to meet the needs of the Armed Forces during the war.
It includes the creation of branches of the military industry or the increase of its capabilities; the appropriate geographical location of military (defense) enterprises on the territory of the country, the establishment of stable economic and scientific and technical ties between them; ensuring the stability of the functioning of the economy in a special period; the development of new technologies; the preparation of energy sector; the development of agriculture, healthcare, communications and transport network with the purpose to support military operations; carrying out civil defense measures.
Thus, the preparation of the RA economy to resist aggression is closely related to the concepts of the country's economic readiness and ensuring the stability of economic activity during the war.
Economic readiness is a complex system that includes the production and supply of weapons and military equipment, other property of the Armed Forces; ensuring the constant readiness of the economy to deploy full-scale military production; the training of specialists both for the troops and for the military economy and the accumulation of reserves; ensuring the viability of the economy and the development of its ability to produce materiel during the war; development of mobilization plans, their consistent improvement and clarification with the involvement of the state/economic apparatus; economic preparation of the Theater of Operations.
The immediate basis of economic readiness is the military-economic potential - the substantive (objective) capabilities of the country, which can be used to strengthen its defensive power and to conduct war.
The problem of ensuring the stability of the functioning of the economy in a special period has a special place in the system of ensuring measures to prepare the RA economy for countering aggression.
Organization of measures to ensure the stability of the functioning of the economy
As a rule, the real stability of the functioning of the economy, its territorial, sectoral ties and opportunities in a particular period are determined by the ability to maintain their functions in case of a major destabilizing impact, the intensity of the destabilizing impact and the assessment of the possibilities of their restoration in an acceptable time.
The main directions, tasks and requirements for increasing the stability of the RA economy in a special period should be considered:- protection and life support of human resources of the economy (personnel of economic facilities, management, as well as training and reserve personnel, etc.) from the effects of harmful factors caused by the use of means of destruction at economic facilities;
- rational distribution of productive forces on the territory of the republic and improvement of the structure of the economy;
- preparation of the republic's economy to work in war conditions;
- protection of objects that are essential for the stable functioning of economic facilities and the survival of the population during the war;
- preparation of restoration of the republic's economy facilities disrupted due to the impact of the main destabilizing factors of a special period of activity;
- improving the stability of the management of the republic's economy under martial law;
- creation of a reserve of particularly important military products - strategic raw materials, fuel, means of life support for the population, unique and scarce industrial equipment, devices, etc.
The protection of human resources of the economy and the population of the republic as a whole should be considered a priority task of state policy.
As a rule, the main threat to the sustainable functioning of the economy in war conditions is considered to be enemy strikes on objects that provide its most important state needs. Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of the most important objects of the republic's economy, it is necessary to minimize the damage that they may suffer during military operations. The protection of each object from enemy strikes should be ensured by the development and application of special norms, rules and requirements, as well as a number of organizational and engineering/technical measures.
One of the most important tasks of improving the security of facilities is their protection from aerial reconnaissance and enemy destruction means, which, as a rule, should be carried out by camouflaging.
Objects of defense industry and strategically important raw materials, large food industry enterprises, large warehouses, control points, large electrical and thermal stations, railway junctions, strategic bridges, etc. are subject to camouflaging/masking.
The main purpose of the preparation of emergency rescue and other emergency operations should be aimed at localizing emergency points (zones) at facilities and ensuring their elimination, searching for injured personnel, rescue operations and first aid to victims.
The solution of the whole complex of problems of the sustainable functioning of the economy and the preservation of objects that are essential for the survival of the population during the war is impossible without improving the regulatory and methodological framework.
2.2. State policy in the field of increasing the stability of the economy functioning
During the war, the increase in the stability of the economy, its territorial, sectoral relations and the activities of organizations is directly conditioned by the purposefulness and effectiveness of the implementation and provision of state policy by executive bodies and local self-government bodies.
The main tasks and measures for the implementation of the state policy to increase the stability of the functioning of the economy are:- 1) Organization and implementation of monitoring and forecasting of the stability of the economy functioning;
- 2) Planning and implementation of measures aimed at increasing the sustainability of economic activity;
- 3) Improvement of the legislative, regulatory, legal and methodological framework;
- 4) Financial and logistical support of measures to improve the sustainability of the functioning of the economy.
The control and organization of forecasting the stability of the economy functioning should be carried out through systematic monitoring, control and evaluation (forecasting) of its indicators, as well as the implementation of specific norms, rules, requirements and measures to improve these indicators.
Planning and implementation of measures to improve the sustainability of the functioning of the economy is one of the main tasks of state policy in the military sphere. It is impossible without observing the basic principles:- implementation of planning at the republican, local and object levels;
- an integrated approach to the assessment and selection of activities;
- a systematic approach to the evaluation and selection of measures to ensure the interconnection of activities carried out in various parts of the economy;
- account of priorities of directions and measures to increase the sustainability of the economy, ensuring maximum cost efficiency per unit of production.
As a rule, the main measures to increase the stability of the economy functioning, its sectoral and territorial units in wartime, requiring capital investments and material and technical resources, are developed and implemented in peacetime within the framework of preparation and conduct of civil defense, preparation of mobilization of economic and state bodies, as well as plans and targeted programs aimed at prevention and liquidation of man-made and natural emergencies.
The creation and improvement of the legislative, regulatory and methodological framework should be aimed at solving the entire complex of tasks to increase the stability of the military activity of the republic's economy. Regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Armenia should define and regulate the clear activities of executive bodies and organizations at all levels.
A special regulatory and methodological framework should provide the whole range of tasks to be comprehensively addressed in each of the main areas of increasing the sustainability of the functioning of the economy.
The development and improvement of the entire legislative, regulatory and legal methodological framework should be carried out within the framework of the relevant target program.
The procedure for financial and logistical support of measures to improve the stability of the functioning of the economy during the wartime should also be determined by the legislative and regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Armenia. At the same time, in order to develop, implement and finance relevant measures, it is necessary to ensure the principle of unity of responsibility of executive authorities. Financing of activities directly developed and implemented in organizations (enterprises, economic facilities and infrastructures) should be carried out from the budget of these organizations or from the budget of the supreme governing bodies or organizations that own them.
In modern conditions, the link between war and the economy is inseparable. Consequently, the national economy should be not only comprehensively prepared, but also have to guarantee of the economic security of its armed forces.
A deep knowledge of the laws inherent in the military economy, the correct use of their mechanisms of action, taking into account the laws affecting the sphere of the military economy, will greatly contribute to the optimal development of the economy.
Unswerving adherence to the implementation of the basic principles of military and economic activity will reliably ensure the armed defense of the republic in the economic dimension. Otherwise, in case of incomplete implementation or ignoring of the above-mentioned measures, it will call into question the main task of achieving success by the armed forces at the front in terms of economic (logistical) support.
Published: 21/12/22