- 1.1. Mobilization and combat training of the Armed Forces
- 1.2. The Armed Forces logistic support preparation
- 1.3. Preparation of the territory of the RA as a theater of military operations
- 1.4. Strategic intelligence
The preparation of the population for war is organized and carried out in peacetime - as a rule, in three main directions: firstly, it is necessary to prepare the population in moral and psychological terms, secondly, to prepare it in terms of protection from weapons of destruction and elimination of the consequences of an attack, which is usually called the preparation of civil defence, and thirdly, prepare the population militarily.
All these types of training are interrelated and complement each other.
The preparation of the population in moral and psychological terms means the implementation of complex measures aimed at patriotic education of the population, ensuring the organization of information and psychological, social, cultural and leisure work.
- 3.1.1.
The purpose of patriotic education of the population is to organize a system of influence aimed at the formation of elements of national consciousness, ensuring the solution of the tasks of patriotism as a quality of personality and the spiritual state of society, the preservation of social and economic stability, strengthening the power of the Republic of Armenia, the unity of the Armenian people. It Includes:
- Moral dimension.
- Historical awareness dimension.
- Political and legal dimension.
- Socio-cultural dimension.
- Ideological and patriotic dimension.
- Professional activity dimension.
- Military and social dimension.
- Military-patriotic education dimension.
- Psychological dimension.
- Dimension of education in the spirit of military traditions.
The key aspect of the patriotic education of the citizens of the Republic of Armenia is a deep and comprehensive study of the functional capabilities of education carried out in order to form an active, creative individual - a citizen, defender of Homeland.
- 3.1.2. Information work is organized and carried out for the purpose of promptly informing the population, developing the necessary moral and psychological qualities and readiness to overcome difficulties.
- 3.1.3. Psychological work should be aimed at psychological preparation of the population, provision of psychological assistance and socio-psychological rehabilitation.
- 3.1.4. Social work is organized and carried out in order to create the necessary social conditions for the life of the population in the danger zone (emergency zone) caused by military actions or their consequences.
- 3.1.5. Cultural and entertainment work is aimed at preserving and restoring the moral, psychological and physical strength of the population, as well as organizing their work activities and mobilizing forces to successfully overcome difficulties in difficult situations.
3.2. Preparation of the population in terms of civil defence means the implementation of comprehensive measures aimed to protect the population and material assets or to prepare for protection in the event of an armed attack on the Republic of Armenia, the presence of an immediate threat, natural and man-made disasters, accidents and catastrophes. In other words, the goal of the state policy in the field of civil defence is to create the necessary conditions in the republic that will prevent or minimize losses and losses, preserve the facilities necessary for the stable functioning of the economy in case of military emergencies.
In wartime conditions the main tasks of civil defence should be considered:- protection of life and health of the population,
- ensuring the sustainable functioning of the economy,
- protection of material and cultural values,
- implementation of urgent emergency recovery works and their comprehensive provision.
As a rule, measures to ensure the implementation of civil defence tasks should be developed and carried out in advance: in peacetime, taking into account the development of modern means of destruction, the availability of financial, material and human resources.
It should be noted that at present, the regulatory and legal framework of the RA civil defence sphere has been mainly formed.1 Based on modern requirements, the centralized public notification system is being modernized. Activities aimed at improving the professional training of the population, management staff, experts with a wide application of modern teaching methods and technical means have been carried out, popular scientific textbooks have been published. However, there are still a number of unresolved issues, including:- improvement of mechanisms for financing civil defence measures at the territorial, local and object levels, clarification of the organizational foundations of civil defence, delineation of civil defence obligations/tasks between management bodies;
- the need to create territorial emergency rescue units, to develop regulatory documents regulating the issues of armament and logistics in peace and wartime conditions;
- creation of civil defence forces, technical re-equipment and strengthening of their material and technical base;
- continuous technical improvement of public information and management systems, modernization of communication facilities and application of modern communication systems and technical means, etc.
In addition, it is necessary to increase the level of operational training of civil defence forces and their management staff. The methods of conducting exercises and trainings should take into account the new conditions of civil defence activities.
The civil defence management system needs serious improvement. It is necessary to create a modern Crisis Management Center with its own territorial (regional and municipal) and departmental branches, which will allow application of modern technologies and methods of collecting, analyzing information and decision-making.
3.3. Military training of the population in modern conditions is important not only from the point of view of replenishing the Armed Forces during the war. The population which has received military training can also be involved in an organized struggle with small reconnaissance/sabotage detachments of the enemy. In the arenas of probable military operations the population, in addition, should be ready for decisive guerrilla actions against enemy groups that invaded our territory.
To solve existing problems effectively, it is necessary, under the direct leadership and with the assistance of the state, to create conditions for ensuring the activities of these structures that are in demand today, namely:- Development and approval of a package of legislative acts regulating the activities of structures /bodies engaged in military training of the population.
- Allocation of financial resources for maintenance, as well as for the improvement of existing material, technical and training bases.
- Improvement of the management system of the branches of these structures at all levels.
- Procedure for equipping the units of the pre-draftee republican public training organization with new equipment and material and technical means.
- Development and implementation of an action plan to attract professional staff and young professionals to the above-mentioned processes.
- Restoration of the state order for the training of personnel in military-technical sphere.
- 3.1.1.
The purpose of patriotic education of the population is to organize a system of influence aimed at the formation of elements of national consciousness, ensuring the solution of the tasks of patriotism as a quality of personality and the spiritual state of society, the preservation of social and economic stability, strengthening the power of the Republic of Armenia, the unity of the Armenian people. It Includes:
Currently, there still exists a threat of military aggression against the Republic of Armenia. Internal and external threats to the national security of the Republic of Armenia persist, and in certain areas are increasing. The high probability of damage to life support facilities, in turn, makes it urgent to create serious prerequisites for ensuring the vital activity of the population during wartime.
Therefore, the preparation of the population of the Republic of Armenia to resist aggression is an urgent task and an imperative.
- 1) RA Law "On Civil Defence",
2) RA Law "On Civil Defence Units",
3) RA Presidential Decree UP-446 of June 6, 1995 "On the Organization of the Civil Defence System of the Republic of Armenia",
4) RA Government Resolution No. 1631-N of November 11, 2004 "On Approval of the Technical Regulations of Personal Protective Equipment",
5) RA Government Resolution No. 1494-N dated October 29, 2004 "On Establishing the Procedure for Informing Management Bodies and the Public",
6) RA Government Resolution No. 1064-N dated July 29, 2004 "On Establishing the Procedure for Creating and Ensuring the Operation of a system of Continuous monitoring of the Radiation, Chemical and Microbiological Situation",
7) RA Government Resolution No. 633-N dated April 22, 2004 "On Establishing the Procedure for Developing Civil Defence Plans",
8) RA Government Resolution No. 1532-N dated November 13, 2003 "On Establishing the Procedure for the Creation, Training and Activity of Civil Defence Formations",
9) RA Government Resolution No. 384-N of April 10, 2003 "On Establishing the Procedure for the Creation, Training and Operation of Civil Defence Services";
10) RA Government Resolution No. 679 of October 25, 2000 "On Approving the Procedure for Providing the Population with personal Protective Equipment";
11) RA Government Resolution No. 1180-N dated August 18, 2011 "On approval of the procedure for evacuation of the population from dangerous territory";
12) RA Government Resolution No. 592 of September 28, 2000 "On the procedure for sheltering the population".
Published: 26/12/22