A series of articles will discuss the strengthening the defence capability of the Republic of Armenia, which bases on the concepts of preparing the state to repel aggression and required integral parts - the armed forces, the economy and the training of the population:
It is expected that the points of view presented will become a guideline for organizing broader, detailed and professional discussions in the future and (why not) implementing real steps.
The above mentioned is closely interrelated with the concept of systematic preparation of the country to counter aggression, which, in turn, should ensure: 1) the opportunity to repel the aggressor in order to seize the strategic initiative and to counter-strike; 2) the possibility of achieving victory in the shortest possible time; 3) the opportunity to wage, if necessary, a prolonged war; 5) preserving the moral and psychological determination of the population (personnel of the Armed Forces) to achieve victory.1
Taking into account the development of the means of armed struggle and military-political challenges, the preparation of the Republic of Armenia for the confrontation of aggression should be carried out in the following main directions:
Published: 25/08/22
Updated 26/12/22It is expected that the points of view presented will become a guideline for organizing broader, detailed and professional discussions in the future and (why not) implementing real steps.
Study of the nature, forms and methods of wars (military conflicts) The XXI century allows us to assert the impossibility of achieving victory without comprehensive, all-encompassing training of the country and its armed forces. When preparing to repel aggression, each state relies on its economic, educational, technical and cultural potential, and also takes into account the forces and capabilities of a potential adversary - data that should be constantly updated.The above mentioned is closely interrelated with the concept of systematic preparation of the country to counter aggression, which, in turn, should ensure: 1) the opportunity to repel the aggressor in order to seize the strategic initiative and to counter-strike; 2) the possibility of achieving victory in the shortest possible time; 3) the opportunity to wage, if necessary, a prolonged war; 5) preserving the moral and psychological determination of the population (personnel of the Armed Forces) to achieve victory.1
Taking into account the development of the means of armed struggle and military-political challenges, the preparation of the Republic of Armenia for the confrontation of aggression should be carried out in the following main directions:
- The preparation of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Armenia should consist "of determining their composition and organization for peacetime and warfare; preparing the mobilization of the armed forces; ensuring their high combat readiness; continuous development of the armed forces in accordance with their role and tasks; material and technical support for their conduct of missions; preparation of the territory of the country and theaters of military operations; organization and conduct of strategic intelligence".2
1.1. Mobilization and combat training of the Armed Forces
The number and composition of the Armed Forces in peacetime are established by the Government. Taking into account the threat of aggression with the use of modern means of destruction, as well as the associated difficulties in carrying out mobilization, it is considered expedient to have such a peacetime composition of the Armed Forces that will allow to achieve the main goals of the initial period of the war without additional mobilization. However, such a large armed forces are a heavy burden on the economy of any, even the most powerful state. Therefore, in peacetime, even the most powerful states keep forces capable to repel an attack in time and to increase quickly their potential by using fully mobilized military units and formations. Currently, it is assumed that the peacetime armed forces from the very first hours of the war should be able to intercept the strategic initiative and ensure the achievement of immediate strategic goals.
Basing on the capability of the combined potential of the Republic of Armenia, as well as the realities of the regional situation, a mixed method was chosen in previous decades, combining conscription and contract service options for replenishing the armed forces with personnel. Back in 2018, the relevant branches of the General Staff of the RA Armed Forces presented a comprehensive vision of the problem of mobilization, introducing its advantages and disadvantages (See: "Alternative solutions to some problems of the organization of military service and issues of creating and improving the active reserve", Haykakan Banak 1-2. 2018, pp. 135-147)3.
On the other hand, the significant losses of personnel that are inevitable in the conditions of massive strikes, as well as failures in the operation of transport and communication systems, require modern mobilization in the most simplified, decentralized way and at the fastest possible pace. In addition, the mobilization reserve itself should be specialized and structured in advance, which will ensure the rapid, unhindered implementation of mobilization measures and the effective use of professional skills of human resource.
Simplification of mobilization can be achieved by applying a territorial approach, with the rejection of the concentration of mobilization resources, weapons and equipment in the points of mobilization or formation of troops (the so-called mobilization transportation), as well as simplification of the system of attaching conscripts to military units.
In order to ensure the fullest possible quantity and the best quality of the reserve, it is necessary to apply a set of preliminary measures that proved to be effective:- compulsory conscript military service by citizens, which will allow to create and maintain the mobilization reserve,
- formation of several categories of reservists:
a) to replenish active military units;
b) to create new military units,
c) to create a mobile militia,
d) to create a territorial defense militia,
e) to replenish/strengthen/form logistic support structures.
The above mentioned is assumed considering the experience of some states in creating and applying the armed forces reserve system – Switzerland, Finland4, Estonia5, Austria5, and Israel.7, 8, 9
The experience of above mentioned countries prove the establishment of a reserve system as a set of measures that is constantly applied to specific internal and external political conditions. It is directly determined by the assessment of each individual state of its environment and the degree of threats, its own capabilities and other factors.
The examples presented and the results of other studies allow to conclude that the most effective reservists are volunteers who are motivated above the average level - which, nevertheless, requires appropriate social /material support.
It is obvious that in order to confront a superior enemy, the state, in addition to the permanent armed forces, needs a trained and high-quality reserve. It, in turn, should include a reserve resource for replenishing front-line and rear military units, territorial defense units, militia and personnel to replenish various auxiliary structures.
The creation of a sufficient reserve is impossible without compulsory military duty, which is the only effective mean/mechanism of preparing, training and cohesion of citizens according to universal, continuous and uniform standards. In the future, this will serve as the basis for creating a high-quality reserve, which will be much less costly in comparison with large and permanent armed forces.
The most important branch of mobilization and combat training of the armed forces is also immediate training in methods of warfare, which includes operational, combat and moral/psychological training:
In addition to maintaining high combat readiness of troops, the main tasks are: a) basic means of armed struggle; b) training in methods of combat, operations and armed struggle in general; c) development and verification of new methods of warfare; d) verification of the realism of wartime plans and calculations; e) verification and ensuring the proper moral and psychological state of personnel.
The training of troops should be organized and carried out in such a way as to ensure the constant interconnected development of the theory and practice of military art, as well as the improvement of means and methods of armed struggle. From this point of view, it is of great importance to generalize the experience of operational and combat training, contributing to the development of the theory of military art.
To make the conclusions drawn from this experience complete, it is necessary to carefully study the enemy, its system of operational and combat training, and to monitor changes in his views on the conduct of warfare.
Continuation: 1.2. Preparation of logistic support of the armed forces.
- See: Военная стратегия. Под ред. Маршала Соколовского В. Д. — Издание второе, исправленное и дополненное. — М.: Воениздат МО СССР, 1963., стр. 408.
- Ibid., р. 409.
- https://razmavaraget.wordpress.com/haikakan-banak-armenian-army-defense-academic-journal-ndru-mod-ra/
- https://intti.fi/en/in-the-reserve
- https://mil.ee/en/defence-forces/reserve-force/
- Note: "According to Article 10 of the RA Law "On Public and Individual Notification via the Internet"... a person is considered to be duly notified ... when the information has been sent to his official e-mail address and there is an electronic confirmation of its reading." The problem is that this person must officially register and get the right to confirm with his electronic signature, which is a paid service. As for the encrypted SMS message, it was also used, in particular in the Armed Forces, but for objective and subjective reasons, it did not work effectively.
- http://factmil.com/publ/strana/izrail/sistema_komplektovanija_i_podgotovki_kadrov_vooruzhjonnykh_sil_izrailja_2019/36-1-0-1662?ysclid=l71xj3jj48497514079
- https://mfc-sarov.ru/obrazecz/sluzhba-v-izrailskoj-armii-dlya-repatriantov-2022-god.html
- Based on the objective situation around the Republic of Armenia, the approach of the Israel Defense Forces, which gives the opportunity to: a) to ensure the constant high readiness of the reserve; b) realistically and purposefully divides the reserve into categories - according to professional and physical capabilities, experience, age and other necessary characteristics; c) provides a positive moral and psychological connection between the military and society as a whole.
Published: 25/08/22